Dog Bite Lawyers

An adult injured by a dog needs a lawyer who works on contingency, advances all costs, and obtains 3 to 5 times more than the victim could get on their own.

Kenneth M. Phillips is the only attorney in the USA who represents dog bite victims full time. Widely recognized as the nation’s leading authority on dog bite law, he has earned tens of millions of dollars for children and adults bitten by dogs.

Leading specialist solicitors for dog bite, dog attack and animal injury claims on a no win no fee basis. Call our free helpline on 0808 1391601

Michigan dog bite lawyer, an expert in Michigan dog bite cases for over 20 years. You pay no fees until we win your michigan dog bite or dog attack case! Contact us today.

Personal Injury, Airbag Injury, Automobile Accidents, Automobile Insurance, Automotive Products Liability, Dog Bites, Head And Spinal Injuries … We focus …

The USA's best-known dog bite attorney, Kenneth M. Phillips, presents the most reliable information about dog bites and the law.

Fines associated with breaking the law range from $300 to $1,000 … There were …

If I Was Trespassing, Can I Still Sue for a Dog Bite? by David Berg, Attorney. Depending on where you live, if you were trespassing at the time you were bitten or …

Sgt. Steve Betteridge said there was no criminal element. The maximum fine with …

If you've been hurt by a dangerous dog, it's important to act fast. learn about the dog bite laws in your home state with this handy resource.

You've come to the right place. If you or a loved one has suffered an animal bite injury, including dog bites and injuries caused by other domesticated animals, an animal bite lawyer can help. You may be entitled to recover from an animal owner, business, or facility, regardless of whether the owner (or animal keeper) did …

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